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Pre-K | June Activities

Month-by-Month Literacy Activities to Get Ready for Kindergarten!

Get your child ready for literacy in Kindergarten through simple everyday activities and play!

Kids can learn valuable skills through small, teachable moments during a normal day. This means no grueling work sessions with flash cards, buying expensive educational toys or completing tedious worksheets!

These free Pre-K activities for reading can help your child get an early start on reading!

Print Awareness

Mixed Up Reading!

  • A fun way to teach book and print awareness is to do it wrong in front of your child and let them correct your mistakes! When getting ready to read to your child, give the book to your child upside down and try to start reading it. See if your child notices that the pictures and words are the wrong way! Let them show you the right way it goes.
  • When you look at the cover, read the names of the author and illustrator. Ask your child why those names would be on the front of a book? See if they can explain that the author wrote the book and the illustrator drew the pictures.
  • While reading the book, once you get to the end of a sentence pretend to be confused when you get to the end of a line and tell them that it looks like “the words ran out”. See if your child can show you that you just continue on to the next line and start on the left side moving to the right.

Phonemic Awareness

Using Cheerios, Lego or beads, say a word and have your child show you how many sounds the word makes using the items. For example, “tap” = t+a+p = three sounds. For each sound they say, like “t” put a Cheerio on the table. Remember, they are just showing you the sounds they hear. So the word “take” would be = t-a-k (silent e) = only three sounds.

Letter Knowledge

Letters: y, x

  • X, x is for box
    • Read: Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
    • Remember: the sound for “x” is a sharp “ks” sound, try not to say “eehhhks” with an added “eh” in front.
    • Write: Use French fries to form a letter x and any other letters you know!
  • Y, y is for yarn, yellow
    • Read: Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett
    • Use pieces of yarn to make letters. When you have formed a letter, trace it with your finger.


  • Spraying water from a spray bottle is a wonderful way to strengthen your child’s writing hand. Use chalk to write three letters on the pavement, such as B, W, and N. Ask your child to spray the letter N. This gets them practicing their letters while strengthening their muscles.
  • Using chalk, tell them one letter to write. See if they can write it on the ground. Help them form the letter if they’re stuck or confused. Try to practice five different letters each time you play with chalk. You don’t need to practice letters in any type of order!
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